It’s one thing to ask legitimate questions of God and what he’s up to. It’s quite another to attack Him directly as incapable and incompetent. Yet the latter is what the 12 spies did when asked to report on the Promised Land they had just scouted. Well, all except two of them. The incident … Read more about Lessons From the 12 Spies and Their Vision of God
God’s Compassion For the Poor Knows No Bounds
God is love. The Bible clearly defines that as a character quality of God. God demonstrates his compassion and love to all mankind no matter who they are. One people group however does receive some extra special attention in Scripture. It’s not that God loves them more or blesses them more … Read more about God’s Compassion For the Poor Knows No Bounds
Abraham Believed God and Stunning Results Happened
Abraham believed God and the rest was history. If only the same could be said for us. For whatever reason, we have a hard time believing God's promises will come true. They could happen for others, but not for us. Additionally, we have a hard time doing what God asks us to do. It's either too … Read more about Abraham Believed God and Stunning Results Happened
In the Beginning God Did What?
"In the beginning..." Those three words jump out of the first line of the most inspirational book in human history - the Bible. In the beginning of time, God did something that seems impossible and remarkable. He created, by himself, the entire heavens and the earth and all that lives upon it. The … Read more about In the Beginning God Did What?
The Best Gift of God Was for People
Do you love to give? Ever wonder where that desire comes from? It's not a coincidence. Rather, a giving nature is a gift, built into our DNA by God. And this gift of God allows us to do so much good for others. You can be 100 percent sure that a giving nature is a character quality God possesses … Read more about The Best Gift of God Was for People