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About Readthebibleinayear [dot] com
Readthebibleinayear [dot] com is a site designed to help people read through the Bible and grow in all areas of their spiritual life. It is therefore, a distinctly Christian site, that seeks to follow the spiritual ethics and practices outlined in the Bible. All content, writings, resources, commentary and advertising presented will be filtered through that framework.
Besides the Bible reading programs, specific emphasis will be on helping people in the following areas: personal spiritual growth, church development and growth, leadership, relationships, parenting/family and money and finances.
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We offer multiple formats for reputable businesses and organizations to advertise on Readthebibleinayear [dot] com. Such methods include direct advertisements using banner and sidebar ads, affiliate advertising, and sponsored product posts. We do not accept advertisements from sites that do not coincide with our values or promote the following products: alcohol, black magic and astrology, gambling and betting, payday loans, pornography and sex/sexuality.
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