Start.: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average, and Do Work That Matters


If you are looking to get unstuck and get back on the path to begin awesome the Start by Jon Acuff is for you. In it you’ll learn the how the road to success for most everyone has been divided into fives stages that mirror the decades or our working life and that there are only two paths in life: average and awesome. If you choose the easy path you have to do nothing. The awesome path will be more challenging because things like fear only bother you when you are doing work that matters. But the good news is that in Start you will get honest, practical and actionable insights to be consistently awesome. Punch fear in the face, escape average, do work that matters.



About the Author

Jon Acuff has authored three books, including the Wall Street Journal best-seller Quitter, which has helped thousands of people close the gap between their day jobs and their dream jobs. In 2010, Jon joined the Dave Ramsey team as a full-time author and speaker. Jon’s wildly popular blog,, has more than 4 million readers worldwide and was the inspiration for his first book, Stuff Christians Like, published by Zondervan. Follow Jon on Twitter @jonacuff and online at

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